Monday, January 4, 2010


When promoting online you need effective advertising, and the latest up and coming trend is free text ad exchanges. Our mentor, Timothy Albiez, of EzyBux4U and Tims Text Ad Success, introduced this program to us about a month or so ago and we are starting to see results from not only the traffic that the site provides with links, solo ads, banners and more, but receiving a participation residual if you will. There are also paid links on this site as well. When upgraded to Pro member (which can be done with a points exchange, which we got to in our first day using the site) these links pay out 2 cents each. They appear every day or two, in batches, at times there have been up to 30 at once!

We have made $5.90 already, and have paid no money into this program. Payout minimum is $25 and use PayPal or AlertPay payment processors to pay commissions. They are paid on the 15th of the month, with balances not meeting the threshold for payment continuing to build up until it is reached, and then build up again. By promoting the site online to others that would use it, like contacts that want to promote a website or blog online (like we do) you earn from the sites Admin for referring them. If they choose a paid upgrade or purchase advertising with cash you will earn commissions (based on your membership level will be the percentages paid). However the one catch is you can't just use this site to make money and not participate in the advertising it promotes. They are essentially paying you to promote yourself online, so use the system, you earn points for everything you do, like viewing links and banners on the site and reading the email ads they send you, which include solo ads, super solo ads, and sonic solo ads.

With these points you are making viewing emails and links you can then do your own advertising campaign for your own promotion, and get targeted click through traffic, and its all paid with points you have made by participating, so its simple and easy.

A hot tip for using these free text ad exchanges by the way, is to have a dedicated GMail account, for use with signing up to these sites (including Clix4Profits, which we have reviewed here) to receive the emails. Make a daily effort to check the emails, click on the credit links, wait for the timer frame to count down and close the site (opening multiple tabs is permitted with these exchanges, so use the tabs function). After viewing you can remove the frame(s).

If you have any questions, please post them and either we or our mentor Tim will be happy to answer them. If you feel ready to sign-up, we have a banner below that will take you there. Remember it is free to join and use and you make some residual money at the same time for participating as an active advertising member. Okay it might not seem like alot, but remember we are sharing everything we are learning and earning from online, and many small amounts add to larger amount, so at the end of the day, a little bit of multi-tasking while doing your FaceBook or surfing or whatever can turn into quality traffic to your site or blog, or FaceBook or Twitter profile.

Hope to see you there! Dee Mathew and Brendon Missen


  1. Well done guys, great review, get ready for some extra backlinks from my FaceBook and Twitter

  2. Clix4Profits remains a strong earner for me. By the 15th of next month I will have exceeded the payment threshold and be eligble for what should be nearly $30 by than. It would make about three months with the site, and bear in mind I have not paid cash for any advertising. Their bonuses for activity are crazy. Get in on this one marketers ;)

  3. About to get the first cashout from this TAE, I know you guys aren't too far behind from doing the same ;)
